Sichuan Earthquake (Part 2)






Distributing the Catholic Studium Biblicum Version of the Bible in the earthquake affected Sichuan Xichang Diocese. Photo by: Catholic Patriotic Association

Father Lee from the Chengdu Catholic Diocese was so filled with gratitude to UBS donors for the bibles distributed in the earthquake affected areas that he wrote:

“I would like to thank donors for delivering 4000 bibles to our diocese. Out of its 100,000 members in the diocese, nearly sixty thousand of our members’ family suffered damages from the earthquake. The distributed bibles gave the members much joy and gratitude as they took the bibles home. The priests, sisters and volunteers who were involved in giving out the bibles were deeply encouraged by our members’ response. Up to that time, they had no idea our members had such great love towards the Bible. Many of the locals who had heard about the bible distribution enquired at the distribution points hoping to get a copy for themselves. The bibles provide so much comfort to the victims, help them in this special moment to ponder upon God’s Word and serve as an instrument of prayer. Therefore together with the Priests and Sisters in the church, I hope donors will seriously consider donating more bibles to the members in the Chengdu diocese. Thank you and may the Lord bless you.”
(extracted from Father Lee’s letter dated 3 July 2008)

The economic success of the China today revealed that immense material wealth could not fill the spiritual void in the hearts of the Chinese people. When the earthquake hit the province of Sichuan, the Chinese government was able to meet the physical and basic needs of her people by providing food, water and shelter freely. Yet, the psychological, emotional and spiritual health of the survivors cannot be ignored too. Many of those who have lost their loved ones and their earthly possessions question the meaning of life and found day to day living wearisome. The hunger for spiritual truth was so evident that as Father Lee remarked, “a few thousand copies of the Bible distributed were just insufficient to meet the growing demand”.

Article written by: Ms. Pamela Choo & Ms. Zhang
for United Bible Societies China Partnership