200 Million Bibles Printed in China

The display screen at Amity Printing Company showing the number of Bibles being printed on 11 Nov 2019.

NANJING, China – 11 November is a day the world’s largest Bible printing press, Amity Printing Company (APC), makes history once again. Today, APC celebrates the printing of 200 million Bibles and counting!

In a span of just seven years, Amity Press has produced yet another 100 million Bibles – the first 100 million copies were printed in 25 years since the press was established in 1987.

Distinguished guests comprising Chinese church leaders and government officials, as well as leaders from the United Bible Societies (UBS) Fellowship and representatives from various international organisations gathered on November 11th for this momentous celebration.

In his opening address, Board Chairman of Amity Foundation (AF) and APC, Mr Qiu Zhonghui paid tribute to the late Bishop K. H. Ting and Dr. Han Wenzao for establishing APC together with UBS, making a significant contribution towards the Bible ministry of the Churches in China and the global Church.

“Out of the 200 million Bibles printed, more than 85 million copies were printed and distributed for the Churches in China, including Braille Bibles and Bibles in 11 ethnic minority languages… Since 2003, APC began to grow their Bible printing for overseas distribution and to date, it has printed 115 million copies of Bible for more than 140 countries and territories.”

Rev Xu Xiaohong, Chairman of National TSPM of the Protestant Churches in China talked about how the Bible unites and provides nourishment for the Churches in China to grow healthily. “Our pastors love the Bible and they use understandable language, relevant teaching and interesting illustrations to preach and teach the Scriptural truths accurately and clearly. Our believers love the Bible, looking to God’s Word as a lamp to the feet. They read the Bible to obey the truth, glorifying God and benefitting people, bearing witness in community service…”

UBS Director General, Mr. Michael Perreau congratulated APC for reaching this remarkable milestone. He remarked that the establishment of APC and the completion of 200 million Bibles by the press is a miracle no one can fathom. He also reflected that there are people still waiting for God’s Word in their own languages and people groups who cannot yet know that God speaks their heart languages, adding, “my prayer would be that when APC celebrates its 300 millionth Bible, it will include all people because the Bible is for everyone.”

Special awards were given by APC to the Chinese Protestant and Catholic churches, and to UBS. (L to R) Mr Qiu Zhonghui, Rev Shan Weixiang, Mr Michael Perreau, Rev Shen Bin and Mr Zhao Long (refer to footnote)

Towards the end of the ceremony, APC gave out three special awards to the Chinese Protestant and Catholic Churches, as well as to UBS, for their significant contributions towards APC. “We sincerely thank UBS for its trust and partnership. Our (APC and UBS) partnership over the past 30 and more years is a model of international cooperation,” said APC Board Chairman Qiu.

As he reflected on the significance of the celebration, Mr Kua Wee Seng, Director of UBS China Partnership, praised God for His Sovereign Hands on Amity Press, which was a result of an amazing partnership between the Churches in China, Amity Foundation and the UBS Fellowship, with the support of the Chinese authorities and supporters from all over the world.

“As these Bibles are being read by people in China and in other parts of the world, we believe that the Word of God will not return empty but shall accomplish that which the Lord has purposed and shall succeed in the thing for which He sent it,” he quotes from the Book of Isaiah 55:11, ESV.

– Mr Qiu Zhonghui, Board Chairman of Amity Foundation and Amity Printing Company
– Rev Shan Weixiang, Vice President of China Christian Council
– Mr Michael Perreau, Director-General of United Bible Societies
– Rev Shen Bin, Vice President of Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association & Bishops Conference of Catholic Church in China
– Mr Zhao Long, Former Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress

Story: Pamela Choo
Photos: Jared Wong
2019 © United Bible Societies China Partnership