Baoshan Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre


Pastor Xu (back facing) teaching the Bible to current residents.

Under the Baoshan City Christian Council, the Baoshan Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre was established on 15 September 2007 by Reverend Xu Chengyun, son of the founder of the Baoshan Bible Training Center (please see earlier story self-funded drug rehabilitation centre, lauded by the government for its contribution in social services, had received a national award in Beijing some time ago. There are 7 members in its staff comprising a church elder, 2 lay-preachers, 2 seminary students and 2 former residents (of the drug rehab centre). Although its facilities are modest, the Centre is equipped with a basketball court and a small garden for the residents to potter around during their spare time.

Drug addicts determined to kick the habit and lead a new life come from different provinces to receive help at the Baoshan Drug Rehabilitation Centre. There are currently 17 people receiving treatment, whilst 10 others had successfully completed the course and re-entered into society. Most of these 10 ex-members are now on their own journey to help other drug addicts from all over China, to be drug-free.

The Centre has a strong emphasis on the Bible; it has adopted a Bible-based drug rehabilitation program. Drug offenders who desire to be accepted in the 1½ year residential program have to agree to complete the entire course once started. They also have to show that their admission is voluntary and not coerced by friends or family members. The last crucial condition for acceptance is that they must agree to depend wholly on the power of Jesus to overcome their drug addiction.

Upon acceptance, the new resident is put in the “cold turkey room” – this is a room where the drug addict is forced to overcome withdrawal symptoms. The idea is that once the addict has passed through the catharsis of withdrawal, he would be more prepared to undergo the rehabilitation program. The most important tool used in this cold turkey room is the Word of God. At every point in time, each resident in the cold turkey room would be accompanied by one of the staff (on a 2-hour shift) 24 hours a day who would read the Bible to him, sing hymns to him and pray for him.

What guests from the United Bible Societies found out on their visit to the Baoshan Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre, was its strong focus on Bible study throughout the entire program. A resident spends most of his entire day, reading and reflecting on the Bible. The rest of the day is spent praying and singing hymns, not including the 3 hours allocated for physical exercise.

Ting (centre) delighting the audience.

Representatives from the United Bible Societies, who were there upon the invitation of the Yunnan Religious Bureau, were treated to a surprised musical performance put up by the current residents. The team of very talented performers who entertained the guests included a 27 year old guitarist by the name of Ting (see photo: centre).

The following excerpt is taken from an interview with Ting on his journey of faith and how he was set free from drug addiction….

(see story

By Pamela Choo

Photos taken by Jock Foo
Transcript and translation by Chiong Min Lee
for United Bible Societies, China Partnership

This story relates to Project No: 71228