The Bible in Demand


SHANGHAI, China – In an exclusive interview with Elder Fu Xianwei, Chairman of National TSPM of the Protestant Churches in China, he shared with us, among other things, the need for Bibles in China. What is the demand like for Bibles in China today? Do China Christians still need help to buy a copy of the Bible?

Below is a transcript of the video.

Elder Fu Xianwei: Believers in China are very much in need of Bibles. They especially love the Bible. Regardless of their educational background, they all want to have a Bible with them. When they are faced with any difficulties or during their quiet moments, they will want to read the Bible to know more truths and the teachings of God. In general, believers in the cities have no problem: they can afford the Bible and will even purchase different editions.

Rural believers in Henan Province happy to receive a copy of the Bible.

But the most critical group is believers in the poor areas, they face real economic difficulty. So are their churches, which are unable to help them. To help them own a Bible, we will need Bible paper donation from UBS.

UBS supports us a great deal of Bible paper donations every year. With the supply of Bible paper, we can publish Bibles that are lower priced. Some are given free, some are sold, to supply to believers in central and western (poorer regions of) China, and to the ethnic minority who live in the mountainous regions, who face a more challenging living condition, and are less well to do than those in eastern region of China. To them, buying a Bible is a considerable financial burden. So, we have printed different ethnic minority language Bibles with the support of UBS and its members. We have published 10 different ethnic minority language Bibles. They are now able to understand the Bible better by reading it in their own language.

Black Yi believers with their Bibles in a church in Yunnan Province.

The need for Bibles amongst the believers is still great. The key question is how to help those who are not able to afford a copy of the Bible, to own one. For instance, we have some elderly believers, who are retired at home and old in years but thank God, though they are not of high education level, when it comes to reading the Bible, they are able to read from the beginning to the end. Through reading the Bible, they experience more calmness in their hearts, peace in their daily lives and joy filling their hearts.

Would you prayerfully consider how you can be a part of putting a Bible in the hands of the Chinese believers in China?

Interview: Andrea Rhodes
Edited: Cynthia Oh
Photos:  Clare Kendall, Hans Johan Sagrusten and UBS CP
2018 © United Bible Societies