HENAN, China – In China, more people are living alone. Overall, the figures have risen from 8% in 2000 to 12.5% in 2015. According to Xinhua News Agency, there are currently 20 million people in China between the ages 20 and 39 living alone.
One group of people facing loneliness are those born as only child in China during the 35-year-long one-child policy. Many generally lacked nothing materially but felt lonely while growing up.

22-year-old Li Mengyu is one of them. He understands what it means to be lonely. “We may follow trends and chase thrills, we may even dare to love and hate with abandonment, but this does not make us feel less lonely. It is like what Zhou Guoping, the famous Chinese author, philosopher and poet said, “Loneliness is the destiny of man, neither love nor friendships can eradicate it.”
Li’s family runs a big business and he would keep himself busy managing it. His family gets along very well and his business partners are fairly reliable, so it is easy for others to think that he has it all in life and that he should be fulfilled and happy. However, Li was discontented; love, friendships or kinships failed to satisfy. Is there a solution to loneliness and the emptiness he felt?
Faced with such discontentment in his heart, he was offered a Gospel booklet ‘No Longer Lonely’ by a Christian friend. When Li began to read it, he devoured it. “I began to understand a truth: when God created us, He left a void that only He could fill. When we attempt to fill this void with things like success in career, wealth and relationships, we realise we can’t.”

Li understood that only trusting in God can bring true contentment. The Bible verse from Amos 8:11, highlighted in the booklet’s preface greatly impacted him: “It is not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of God.” Indeed, the true purpose and value of life is in following and knowing God.
“It is not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of God.”
Praise God that Li completed reading the booklet in one sitting, and thereafter, said the prayer printed at the back of the booklet to receive Christ. “I knew that God has heard my prayer to let Him guide my entire life and be my Saviour. I knew that He has given me a new life and hope, that I will no longer be lonely but I will live out an abundant life.”

Gospel Booklets for Outreach
93% of the population in China still needs to hear the Gospel and the Church in China is requesting for more Gospel booklets to help Christians share the Good News with their family and friends.

With the support of United Bible Societies China Partnership, Gospel booklets are produced and given out freely each year, especially during Christmas when many seekers visit the churches. Gospel booklets are also produced to coincide with important events like the Beijing Olympic 2008, Guangzhou Asian Games 2010, Shanghai World Expo 2010; and the Nanjing youth Olympic Games in August 2014. These are wonderful opportunities for outreach to non-believers.
We have been receiving encouraging reports from the readers and we marvel at how the small, portable booklet carries contents of the power of a big God. Pray along with us for more Gospel booklets to be produced and distributed in China.
Story: Tan Lay Leng
Edited: Cynthia Oh
Photo: UBS CP
2018 © United Bible Societies China Partnership