Grateful for God’s Grace and His Word


SHANDONG, CHINA – “More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” Psalm 19:10

These words of David the Psalmist deeply echo the sentiments of Cheng Weiwei, a student of Shandong Theological Seminary. Such is the draw of the truth of Scriptures for Cheng since he started reading the Bible more intently.

Cheng, with his Chinese Study Bible, working hard in the seminary’s study.

Having been a Christian since his childhood, he has experienced the abundant grace of God both in his family and in his own life. As a child, he witnessed the hand of God miraculously rescuing his father during a near death experience. Furthermore, in various areas of his personal life, such as his education, marriage and career, he saw how God lavished his gifts and blessings upon him in ways that far exceeded his expectations. God’s unending love and grace move him to tears whenever he recounts the hand of God in all of these.

Deeply convicted by God’s grace, Cheng proclaims, “If the grace of God in our lives is displayed so unreservedly in ways far more than we can imagine, how much more valuable is His saving grace that can be found through the redemptive work of Christ? Having received such abundant grace, how can I not be grateful to God?” It was this heart of gratitude towards the love and grace of God that prompted him to take up theological studies in a seminary.

In order to serve the Lord better, he saw the need to study the Bible systematically. His hunger for God’s Word is evident. “I need to understand God’s Word more. I need to draw from the power and wisdom of God,” he shares. “We can only fully appreciate the goodness of God’s Word when we have a taste of it ourselves first hand. This is why I am motivated to want to understand the Bible more and apply more of its truths in my life.”

He recognises that having the opportunity to study the Bible in seminary is also because of the grace of God, allowing him to have this time to learn and grow. It is his hope that God will continue to lead him according to His will, and to mould him to be a vessel useful for the Lord.

Cheng is one of many seminary students who received Bible resources from UBS. He got a copy of the Chinese Study Bible, which was particularly meaningful and precious for him. He explains, “Last year, I had read about the Chinese Study Bible and seen images of it on the Internet. Since then, I have been wanting to get hold of a copy.”

Cheng is holding up his copy of the CSB and another resource material.

Thus, when he finally received his own copy, he was thrilled beyond words. Expressing his excitement and gratitude, he shares, “I didn’t expect that I would receive a copy of the Chinese Study Bible (CSB) from UBS. It is a privilege to get to hold such a beautifully bound study Bible with such rich content for myself.”

He is extremely grateful, firstly to God, for moving so many God-loving people to give sacrificially, translating, printing and distributing the Bible for so many years. He is also thankful to UBS for the love and sacrificial giving towards those like himself whom they have never met before. For him, “the work of UBS is the work of loving God and loving others, which is what God is pleased with”, and his prayer for UBS is for God to bless its work and those who participate in its work.


Story: Adeline Chiang
Edited by: Pamela Choo
Photos: UBSCP
2019 © United Bible Societies China Partnership