Young and Grateful


YUNNAN, China — Shang Yuehan, 22, is a Christian from the Jingpo tribe in Yingjiang County, Yunnan. He was one of the recipients of the Jingpo Bible at a Bible distribution where 300 people attended.

“This is my first Jingpo Bible. I’ve been reading the Bible in Chinese. Now I can read it in my own language. I am so grateful to God and United Bible Societies for bringing the Bible to us,” shared Shang who serves as an accountant in Xi An Church since two years ago. (Photo: Shang with his new Jingpo Bible)

“It is very hard to find a Jingpo Bible here. But believers need it so much for our spiritual growth especially for believers who cannot read the Bible in Chinese,” explained Shang who also sings in his church choir. “Without the Word of God, we don’t have the right knowledge, and we do not really know for ourselves what we are believing in.”

That was also why Shang sensed the need to get some theological training at a Bible School five years ago when he was just 16. “I wanted to learn how to explain what I believe in and what Christianity is about to both the older believers as well as to non-believers outside the church.”

Shang’s parents who are also Christians shared with him the gospel when he was young. “The verse that speaks most to me is John 3:16. It tells us that we have sinned and God has forgiven us through His Son Jesus Christ so that we can be in fellowship with Him. So I grew learning about God’s forgiveness.”

Now at 22, Shang’s dream is to be a pastor one day. His desire to serve the Lord full time is indeed timely. According to Rev Mi Bingxing, Chairman of Dehong-Yingjiang Christian Council/ TSPM, the church at Yingjiang is seeing rapid growth with an average of 1500 new converts being added every year and where hundreds are baptized at Xi An Church.

“I am very grateful to God for giving me parents who are role models for me and protecting me from bad influences like drug abuse which is common in this area. God has been so gracious to me and so I want to serve Him in His kingdom,” shared Shang.

Millions in China will experience life changing power from reading God’s Word if more Bibles are made available for them. If you would like to make a financial contribution towards this need, please contact us or the Bible Society in your country and designate your gift to “UBS China Partnership”.


Story: Cynthia Oh
Edited: Angela Teo
Photo: Cynthia Oh
2016 © United Bible Societies China Partnership