Bibles for the Churches in Shaanxi Province

Earlier this year, Shaanxi Christian Council & Three-Self Patriotic Movement, with the support of the United Bible Societies, distributed Bibles to churches and the Shaanxi Bible School in Shaanxi province. A total of 4,500 Bibles were given to needy believers in 31 districts and counties across the province. We pray that God’s Word will provide them with spiritual nourishment as they read His Word and grow in their faith. All praise and honour to our Almighty God as we share some of the thanksgiving messages from the believers of various Shaanxi churches.

Discipleship: Journey of Personal Transformation in Christ

Through teaching and facilitating a discipleship course based on 'Abundant Life', a discipleship curriculum published and used by the China Christian Council & TSPM with the support of the United Bible Societies, An Guangde has experienced personal transformation in his discipleship journey. Find out how this course helps strengthen the faith of the believers in his church and how An continues to grow as a disciple of Christ through his ministry as a teacher for the course and through serving in other ministries in the church.

Called to a Deeper Life in Christ

Lan Rongfeng, 50, is a lay preacher in Guangxi province. When he received a copy of the Chinese Study Bible (CSB), it helped him develop a disciplined and faithful approach to studying and preaching God’s Word, enabling him to deliver his sermons and teaching with greater clarity and confidence. This newfound confidence is precious to Lan when he looked back on his life and ministry journey.

How God’s Word Brings Joy to Zhao County

Amidst the economic and physical hardship of the predominantly elderly residents living in rural Zhao county in Hebei province, a ray of hope shines through for many of the believers, thanks to the efforts by their local church to provide them with free Bibles with support from the United Bible Societies. Find out how this eases their burdens and enriches their spiritual lives.

UBS Delegation at NJUTS & APC in Nanjing, April 2024

In their recent visit to China, the United Bible Societies (UBS) delegation, led by Ms Elaine Duncan, Chair of UBS Fellowship Council and CEO of Scottish Bible Society, met up with our long-time friends and partners at the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary (NJUTS) and Amity Printing Company (APC) in Nanjing. It was a wonderful opportunity for the delegates to learn what God has been doing through NJUTS and APC, and we thank God for our longstanding partnership with them to support the Bible ministry in China, especially in the areas of theological education and Bible printing and distribution.