Living a Life of Emptiness to One of Blessing

Andrew found no meaning in life till he found Christ.

NANJING, China – 27-year-old Andrew once turned to alcohol to drown his sorrows. Despite being accepted to the university of his dream in London, Andrew struggled with cultural differences and battled loneliness and emptiness in his heart when he was studying there. “It seems that I had everything, I am free to do what I want, be who I want to be. But inside me, there is a longing for more,” shared Andrew.  

He turned to excessive drinking. This in turn plunged him into a deeper sense of void.  When his friend invited him to church, Andrew was desperate enough to say yes.

He would go to church but his heart was not open to God. He was given a Bible but he would not open it to read it. To him, the Bible was just another literature. But Andrew continued attending church regularly and the Holy Spirit softened his heart over time. Andrew began to read the Bible seriously, and when he did, he fell under the conviction of sin and the need to repent before God. He shared, “God’s word pierced through my heart, and I came before God humbly to ask Him to save me and examine my life.”  

The transforming power of God’s word began to show in Andrew’s life as he began to live according to the teachings of the Bible. From someone who would use his own lens to judge others, Andrew now treats others with respect, often seeing others better than he is. From being a people-pleaser, Andrew is learning to speak the truth in love.

“I used to buy pirated stuff but I’ve stopped doing so. Over time, I also discover that people are willing to listen to me as I share with them the gospel and about my life!”

Andrew’s favourite Bible verse is from John 15:15: I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

“I like this verse because I know very clearly that if I do not live in God and abide in Him, my corrupted and sinful nature will take over.”

Today, Andrew serves actively in the young people’s ministry in his church, sings in the choir and leads English Bible study groups. God has also blessed him with a wife who also serves actively in church. Andrew’s life is a testimony of how God can turn barrenness into blessings.

Story: UBS CP
Photos: UBS CP
2019 © United Bible Societies China Partnership