Chinese Study Bible – A Vital Help to Lay Preachers

“Our burden as preachers is to ensure the congregation does not come in vain and leave empty-handed.” – Yang Jun, Guangxi, China

Grateful for the Chinese Study Bible, Lay Preacher Yang Jun found its wide array of study tools a valuable and insightful resource for understanding the Bible.

GUANGXI, China – Lay Preacher Yang Jun, in his fifties, returned to serve in his local church’s pulpit ministry after he graduated from seminary in 2021. Observing the congregation’s eagerness to learn God’s Word, he felt immense pressure and anxiety that he would deviate from the true meaning of the Bible in his teaching.

Grateful for the Chinese Study Bible (CSB), which contains study notes translated and adapted from Crossway’s English Standard Version (ESV) Study Bible, Yang found its wide array of study tools a valuable and insightful resource for understanding the Bible. This resource, provided by the Guangxi Christian Council and the Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (CC&TSPM) with support from United Bible Societies (UBS), has been distributed to churches in China for years. Crossway, a ministry that publishes the ESV Bible and Gospel-centred books, has partnered with UBS in this effort. With the CSB, Yang gains confidence navigating numerous obstacles to comprehend the Bible's teachings thoroughly.

Reflecting on his spiritual journey, Yang recalled a crucial moment when a friend shared the Gospel with him. “At the time, I didn’t believe and said God felt distant; we relied only on our family and didn’t see God’s presence. My friend explained that Jesus was real, not a legend, and that He died on the cross for humanity. I was deeply moved and impressed by His willingness to sacrifice Himself for others.” Eventually, moved by God’s saving grace, he became a follower of Christ and began actively serving in the church, relying on God's Word for strength and guidance.

In rural areas, where transportation is difficult, congregants travel long distances, sometimes for hours, to attend church gatherings. Yang felt a heavy responsibility to ensure their understanding and engagement during these gatherings. He understood the importance of conveying the central messages of the Christian faith to individuals with limited education. He could not bear the thought of them leaving empty-handed after making such a tremendous effort to attend church gatherings. As such, Yang constantly sought ways to enhance his understanding of the Bible, relying on tools like the CSB.

“Biblical resources like the Chinese Study Bible are vital for preachers; we lean on them constantly to ensure accuracy when preaching or sharing God’s Word. Our burden as preachers is to ensure the congregation does not come in vain and leave empty-handed.”

Yang Jun, Guangxi, China

As a lay preacher, Yang faced the challenge of delivering accurate and impactful messages, especially considering the diverse backgrounds of his congregation. He recognised the need for thorough preparation and sought guidance from resources like the CSB to deepen his understanding of scripture. This enabled him to address conflicts within the congregation with wisdom and clarity, emphasising unity and reconciliation through Christ.

Some in his congregation used conflicts with fellow believers as excuses to avoid church gatherings. Determined to address this issue, Yang delved into scripture, consulting the CSB to gain clarity. He learned that the passage, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them,” emphasised unity among believers, urging them to align their hearts with Christ's. By prioritising reconciliation and mutual understanding, they could experience God's presence and fruitfulness in their midst. This insight inspired Yang to address conflicts within the congregation with confidence, relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the complementary insights provided by the CSB.

Reflecting on the importance of the CSB in his ministry, Yang said he appreciates its detailed and scholarly explanations, which help him navigate complex theological issues with precision. He recognises the need to balance academic objectivity with spiritual insight, incorporating both the CSB and devotional readings into his sermon preparation process. Yang also shared, “This comprehensive approach, guided by the Holy Spirit, empowers me to deliver messages that resonate deeply with my congregation and foster a sense of unity and spiritual growth within the churches whom I serve.”

Despite his theological training, Yang acknowledges the ongoing need to diligently study the Bible in order to understand its meaning, messages and mysteries. “Our lives are progressively shaped by God's Word. When we serve Him, seeking His guidance, He gives us strength and instructs us on what to say, and we find great peace in Him.” Grateful for the support of his local church leaders, fellow believers, and the Biblical resources made available to him, Yang is committed to nurturing the faith of his congregation, relying on God's Word as his constant source of guidance and inspiration.


Story: Priscila Fan & May Ang
Photos: UBSCP
2024 © UBS China Partnership