Motorcycle Preacher

Wang on the bike sponsored by UBS

Wang Zhengrong (left photo) is one of fourteen beneficiaries to receive a motorcycle, donated by the United Bible Societies (UBS) in November 2011, to aid the work of Bible distribution in the mountainous Yunnan. Five months later, UBS flew to Yunnan see how Wang has been getting on.

Wang, 37, is from the Miao minority and the only lay preacher at Chaotianlu church and the surrounding villages. There are no other pastors there. The duties of pastoral care, spiritual development and building the physical church fall heavily on the lone shoulders of Wang Zhengrong. When he is not preparing for the weekly service at his 400-member church, Wang visits the other meeting points, constantly looking out for opportunities to share the gospel.

Journey Up

A beautiful white church set on the mountains

The journey to Wang’s village was a sunny scenic drive navigating past beautiful mountains and bumping along open plains. Seated in a four-wheel drive, we were oblivious to the dangers faced by those accustomed to living in Yunnan. Should it have rained that day, our trip would have been cancelled. We proceed that day, tasting firsthand the treacherous life of every lay preacher living in this region faces – muddy roads and landslides.

Even without the rain, fog and strong winds are a common threat. In winter, many main or dirt roads are rendered impassable due to the icy conditions. Coming to church built on this mountain is a challenge. Many believers have to walk long distances through mountain tracks. Every weekend, Wang Zhengrong gets together some mattresses and blankets for any of his church members who wish to stay overnight.

Wang Zhengrong and his motorcycle

Wang received his motorcycle from UBS last November and has since distributed Bibles to the 10 surrounding villages under his watch. Without the motorcycle, Wang had to walk for many hours. In the past six months, Wang has travelled more than 3000km on his bike alone.

Wang pointing out scratches on his bike

Having a bike has helped to shorten his travelling time. On average, he uses the vehicle 2-3 times a week. Sometimes, he makes day trips but at other times he is away for 4-5 days preaching and teaching at the various meeting points and praying for the sick and the disheartened as poverty and illness is rife.

Grateful soldier in Christ

Wang is cheerful and very grateful for his new tool. Wang simply prays, ‘Lord you were crucified for me and whatever the difficulty I face, I will not retreat.’

Wang soldiers on with a lightness of heart knowing that God goes before him therefore he will not retreat in his work.


By providing more motorcycles for rural preachers to deliver Bibles or preach the Word, more Christians in rural China will be able to experience the power of God’s Word. If you would like to make a financial contribution towards this need, please contact the Bible Society in your country and designate your gift to ‘UBS China Partnership – Bible Motorcycles for Preacher’.


Story and photos by Jenise Lee
Edited by Pamela Choo
for United Bible Societies, China Partnership