From Doubt to Conviction


YUNNAN, China - In a remote village nestled within the mountains of Yunnan, God led Zhao Yumei, a Wa ethnic minority believer, on a journey that reshaped her faith. For a long time, she did not have a Bible in her own language and had some doubts about her faith that lingered on.

“The Wa Bible was a long-awaited treasure for me. I had prayed for a Bible I could understand, and its arrival was truly precious. The Wa translation enables me to quickly grasp new words and read the Bible independently,
Zhao Yumei, Yunnan, China

“I really wanted to see if the Bible was written in the same way as what I heard in church. Without seeing it for myself, I felt as if I had missed out on hearing God's Word firsthand.” Zhao’s desire to read and hear God's word compelled her to yearn for a personal copy of the Bible in the Wa language. This is key to understanding and unravelling the profound mysteries of her faith, particularly about the grace of God.

The turning point in Zhao's journey came at the age of 31 when she finally received her first Wa Bible, a translation work supported by the United Bible Societies (UBS). Overwhelmed with joy, she shared, “Receiving the Wa Bible was an answer to my prayers. I had longed for this moment." The weight of its significance was not lost on her, for she knew that with the Wa Bible, she would gain profound insights into the teachings of God's Word.

“Without the Bible, I wouldn't be able to truly understand God's Word, and there would be many questions that I couldn't get answers to. It was only after reading the Bible that I realised that many of the things written in it were true.”

With a heart brimming with anticipation, Zhao delved into the pages of the Wa Bible. Its words, woven into the fabric of her native tongue, resonated deeply within her soul. She was captivated, and with every turn of the page, her faith grew stronger. The Bible affirmed what she had yearned to know – the truths she had heard were indeed written within its sacred verses. “Without the Bible, I wouldn't be able to truly understand God's Word, and there would be many questions that I couldn't get answers to. It was only after reading the Bible that I realised that many of the things written in it were true,” Zhao shared.

The transformative power of the Wa Bible soon became evident in Zhao's life. Due to marital problems and challenges, she had once contemplated divorce. But one day, while engrossed in the pages of the Bible, she stumbled upon a passage from the Gospel of Matthew. It spoke of the unbreakable bond between those united by God, serving as a poignant reminder that separation was not the answer.

Zhao was moved by this revelation and resolved to persevere in her marriage, forging a harmonious, God-centred household alongside her husband by the grace of God. The Wa Bible had illuminated a path she had once thought impassable, rekindling hope and demonstrating the power of faith to heal fractured relationships. It bridged doubt and conviction, offering her a tangible connection to the truth. 

Through the teachings of the Bible, Zhao also discovered unwavering faith to navigate life's complexities. It became a beacon of hope, fostering her spiritual awakening. With newfound understanding, she embraced her role as a vessel of God's love, sharing His teachings with her community.

With gratitude to her local church, who distributed the Wa Bibles free with the support of UBS, Zhao has become a beacon of hope, exemplifying the power of faith and the triumph that comes with obedience to God’s Word. Her story continues to touch lives, reminding us of the enduring strength found in a deep-rooted faith.


Story: Bonnie Bao & May Ang
Photo: UBSCP
2023@UBS China Partnership