On December 12 and 13, the onsite celebration of the 2020 “Bible Day” was held at Dongshan Church and Tianhe Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. The event was organised by the China Christian Council/ Three Self Patriotic Movement (CCC/TSPM).
Along with exhibiting Bibles of different versions and editions, other onsite activities included Bible seminars and symposiums, Christian book exhibition and book signing, and Bible Sunday worship services.
Prior to these onsite activities, virtual programs were launched earlier, including the Bible reading contest in local dialects and online Bible quizzes. All of these are part of the annual campaign to promote the Bible and Bible ministries amongst the Chinese Christian community and beyond.
In his sharing about the Bible Day, Rev. Wu Wei, President of China Christian Council (CCC) said, “The purpose of Bible Day is to encourage people to read the Bible, to care about Bible ministry, to make the Bible the source of strength for believers, enabling them to better serve as light and salt!”
Rev. Shan Weixiang, Vice President of the CCC, said during the Bible symposiums, “The Bible has always been regarded as the beacon of spirituality for humanity, as well as the ‘lamp to the feet and light to path’ for Christians.”
He continued to share that the churches in China has always attached great importance to the Bible ministry. In the 1990s, the Bible Ministry Committee of CCC/TSPM proposed that the second Sunday of December (including Saturday) be remembered as the Bible Day in the Chinese Church. The purpose was to encourage brothers and sisters to read the Bible more, letting the Word of God take root in their lives.
He ended his sharing by calling on more Christians to earnestly pray for and contribute to the Bible ministry, so that the poorer Christians living in the remote mountainous areas can have access to the Bible as well.
The United Bible Societies (UBS) has been serving the Churches in China in Bible ministries including Bible translation, Bible printing and publication and Bible distribution.
Among the exhibited Bibles this year, there were on display ethnic minority language Bibles (photo right) that UBS has supported in translation, publishing and distribution.
Since the mid 1980s, UBS has donated Bible paper to make Bibles affordable for Chinese believers. Every year, Bibles are also being freely distributed to needy believers in poorer and lesser developed areas in China.
In addition, other Bible ministries like the Bible Literacy Class and Bible Seminars for pastors and lay preachers are among the efforts of UBS to support the churches in China.
Let’s continue to pray for the Bible ministries in China that more and more believers in China will be able to have a copy of the Bible and to read it and be rooted in the Word of God.
Story: UBS CP
© 2020 UBS CP