Devouring the Word


SHANGHAI, China – In the past few decades, China experienced one of the most extraordinary economic growth. The country may have lifted hundreds of millions of people from poverty but many are discovering that they are spiritually hungry.

Yan Min was one of them.

“I left my hometown in Henan province to seek employment and a better life in Shanghai. I got a job as a sales manager in an IT company. But I felt unhappy and unmotivated,” shared Yan Min who is in her mid-twenties and a college graduate.

Yan Min with the Bible she bought from the church bookstore.

“I have a lot of questions about life. What’s the purpose of all this slogging? My parents first and then now me.” Feeling stuck, Yan Min decided to buy a Bible from a church bookstore in downtown Shanghai.

“I had followed my Mum to church when I was younger but never really embraced the faith personally,” explained Yan Min who is third in the family and has four other sisters.

“My eyes were opened and ears unstopped when I read Matthew 6:25 where Jesus says not to worry about life, what we will eat or what we will drink. At that moment, all my burdens were lifted,” she said.

From that day on, Yan Min devoured the Bible. She read through it seven to eight times within the next two years.  

“I discovered many truths about life and myself. I see myself in the account of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness complaining to God. And the Lord convicted me about my attitude towards work with a verse from Colossians 3:23, whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”

As she read the Bible, Yan felt God’s empowering to live out its principles in her workplace. “I learnt to respond with gentleness to some difficult clients and consider things from their perspective.”

Now, Yan Min has become gentler and more joyful. Most of all, she has learnt to cast her anxieties at work to God, like the stress in meeting sales targets. She is living her life with hope.

“In such a big city like Shanghai, the pace of life is so fast. Technology is evolving every day.  Many young people are lost and feel insecure about their future,” observes Yan Min. “Without God in their lives, people just depend on luck and chance.”

But for Yan Min, she knows that God is in control of her life, and as she walks in the fear of God, her heart is filled with thankfulness.

“Thank God that we are able to live a victorious life because of Him. Indeed, as the Bible says in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”


  • Demand for Bibles is increasing every year.
  • More than 1.3 billion people in China today still do not know Christ.
  • The Church in China continues to grow and new believers are hungry for the Word of God for their spiritual growth and discipleship.
  • UBS will appreciate prayers and financial support as we continue to support the Church in China in printing and distribution of Bibles to meet the huge demand in China.

Story: Cynthia Oh
Based on interview notes by Zhang
Edited: Angela Teo  
2019 © United Bible Societies China Partnership